Thursday, May 23, 2013

I love writing code!

Ever since my first exposure to programming in 1973 I was hooked. I have not stopped since then. I even got a degree in Computer Science to make it official.

I still enjoy it every day. I get up in the early morning hours and pick a project to dive into. Whether learning a new technology, fixing bugs in my products, adding features or just tweaking my build procedures I enjoy the process. I think that is the key: I am addicted to the automated process of software development.

Anyway this is my Software Development blog where I hope to cover what I have learned, and am continuing to learn, over the years in regard to the software development process and best practices as an individual programmer. The key word here is individual. I am not collaborating with anyone on these projects. I enjoy it purely as a personal pursuit and there-in lies the challenge:

How can I, as an individual developer, maintain a suite of software products in a constantly changing environment of platforms and languages?

This blog addresses that question. Should be fun.